Saturday, 17 August 2013

4 Tips for A Car Sales Career

The automotive industry has changed from the days of yore. Previously, customers were practically forced to visit the dealership to be sold to by a sales professional who had undergone extensive car sales training. Today's consumers are empowered by the Internet and never have to enter the dealership to make a purchase. This shift in dynamics requires a shift in the sales tactics that reflect the technological changes of your potential customers. The following sales career tips are designed to highlight a few highly effective sales tactics that are designed for today's informed consumer.

1) Get Social

Simply put, practically everyone uses social media to connect to friends and family members. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, your customers are on one or all of the major social networks. This means it is advantageous for you to use your personal social media account to promote your sales profession. In addition, you can use your social media account to stay in contact with customers that you have already sold. The ultimate goal is to have your posts about specials, promotions, or dealership events shared with others, which will increase your social media marketing ventures exponentially.

2) Get Recorded

When a customer is looking for a vehicle, they will undoubtedly research the vehicle on the web. While there are several sites that offer long product descriptions, posting a video walk around on YouTube will set you apart. Before you begin recording, make sure you take the following tips into consideration.

• Use highly descriptive words. (For example, when explaining the automotive painting, use the manufacturer descriptive words like "Obsidian Black" or "Matte".)
• Show the benefits to the customer with stories instead of telling them the features.
• Plan your video to make it look as professional as possible.
• Make sure you have a good background without any distractions.
• Use important keywords in the description of the vehicle so it can be indexed by search engines.

3) Get Smart

Today's consumers have access to almost as much product information as you do. This means you must learn intricate details to cement your importance in the car-buying process with information.

• You should understand and be able to explain the intricate details about the technology of the vehicle.
• Advance safety features are always a concern and should be your specialty.
• You should verse yourself in little known facts, such as how the manufacturer's automotive painting process makes the paint lasts longer.

4) Back to School

One great way to learn about the latest sales tactics and industry changes is through car sales training. If you are serious about your career, you shouldn't mind investing a little more time or money to increase your ability to meet your customer's expectations. Most dealerships will be willing to reimburse sales associates who desire to take certain sales courses.

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